Success Stories
Portland is way too small a town for me to divulge anything about the clients I work with.
I wish I could share the details of real situations with people who are curious about my services, but I wouldn't want to even attempt to disguise a story of a real couple.
The only way this service can be helpful is if people know that their privacy comes first, and that confidentiality is absolute.
I also wouldn't ask clients to provide testimonials. Even when people are appreciative of the help they receive, I am not going to compromise our relationship by asking you for reviews on Yelp or other social networking sites. When we work together as client and therapist I honor the boundaries of our relationship very carefully, to make sure I am protecting your interests and not prioritizing my own. This is one important aspect of my professional code of ethics.
However here is a composite example of how things might typically work once we start to identify patterns and search for the root of a problem:
A couple came in for help with persistent bickering that often escalated to bitter arguments. Both worried that their marriage was in serious trouble.
As we went through the first few sessions of assessment it became apparent that both were struggling with the travel required by the husband’s job.
When the husband was gone they would attempt to stay connected by talking on the phone; however the wife would express her need for more attention and conversation in a way the husband perceived as demanding. This caused the husband to become defensive and attacking, which only escalated her pursuit; this self-repeating pattern would leave them miles apart, emotionally drained and furious at each other, and continued even when the husband was back home.
Once we were all able to view the travel schedule and time apart as a shared challenge that they could work to overcome together, they were able to effectively soothe and reassure each other in the ways they both wished for. The travel issue remained a hassle, but no longer was the source of destructive fights.
The best way to know if I may be a fit for you is to spend a little time looking around here and then send me an email or give me a call.
I'd be glad to answer any questions and can usually give you an impression over the phone so you know whether it's worth moving forward with an in-person appointment.
I welcome hearing from you and would be happy to discuss my services.