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Open Relationships

open-poly-relationshipsPolyamorous and open relationships appeal to many people because they offer the possibility of varied forms of love, affection and self-expression.

Creative, innovative relationship structures involve exploration, learning about yourself and others.

Some potential benefits of open and poly relationships include:

  • Challenging your own limits
  • Dealing with jealous feelings
  • Stretching your communication abilities
  • Clearly expressing your needs
  • Behaving with greater integrity and authenticity

However you may run into difficulties in achieving the kinds of relationships and communication skills you imagined when you first entered into an unconventional relationship.

Problems like these sometimes arise:

Challenges with managing time, commitments and interests outside the relationship

Not having enough emotional energy for multiple partners

Confusion and misunderstanding about agreements and expectations

Some people in poly or open relationships identify with a lifestyle and may publicly identify as poly; other relationships include a loose understanding that in certain circumstances, certain intimate or sexual activities are OK with people other than the partner.

You may talk with a counselor because you want to “tune-up” your communication in preparation for opening the relationship.

Maybe you’ve hit a bump in the road and have some complications to sort out. At times, someone’s feelings have really gotten hurt; talking with a counselor can clarify intentions and give you ideas on how best to repair a rift between people.

Please feel welcome to get in contact if I can assist with negotiating agreements, solving problems or getting past hurt and misunderstanding.


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