People seek our services for a variety of reasons:
- Support with developing skills to find a lasting, healthy relationship and be a good partner
- Help with motivation; making lasting changes in self-concept, in order to find healthier relationships
- Guidance in making a decision about an important relationship
- Coping with loneliness or shyness; help with social skills
- Getting over heartbreak and making sense of loss
Our services are of course absolutely private and confidential, so we cannot disclose real stories of clients’ lives, but do any of these situations seem familiar to you?
“I’m so successful in my career, and I have great friends. How can my love life be so disappointing? I can’t seem to meet the right person.”
“Relationships are great at first, but I never seem to find anybody I want to stay with for more than a few years. Maybe I’m too picky.”
“I don’t think I’m getting all I’d like to out of life. I want more satisfaction and I don’t know how to find it. Sometimes I wonder if I’m depressed, but I don’t really have anything to complain about. Maybe I’m just feeling sorry for myself.”
“Where does anybody go to meet people in this town? I wouldn’t know how to get a date. I’m too shy to start conversations anyway.”
“After this break-up, it seems like everyone has a soul mate meant just for them, and I lost mine.”
How can we help people deal effectively with relationship problems? Intimate relationships are among the most important aspects of people’s lives. Click here to learn more about how we work with these concerns, or give us a call at (503) 295-6265. You can also visit the contact us page.